Urban music from the garbage to save the Earth (C&BB new English video!)

Hi folks,
this here is a litte non-profit initiative that I am supporting as volounteer of the Italian cultural Association of the Vintage Fashion Hunters.
We are diffusing a very important message on Mother Earth respect, preservation and to save the environment thanks to M° Maurizio Capone, leader of the Italian band from Naples "Capone & Bungt Bangt". He has taken several very honorable initiatives about recycling and re-using garbage materials, introducing to music scholars from Universities to Elementay school kids by theaching them to build with their hands some musical instruments at almost "0" coasts with recycling materials that usually would be thrown away and wasted with consequent big problems for the trash disposal.
He accomplished my suggestion to shoot a video, this time in English in order to diffuse this mentality and educational approach all over in the world.
I consider him a leader on Peace and Environment respect aimed at saving the Planet, a sort of guide, as internationally has become my other friend Jean-Paul "Bluey" Maunick of the Incognito band.
Apart from the great sound, a new sound for the Third Millennium universally called "Junk Music", this musical video is a real educational, has purposely English subtitles and  M° Capone is explaining in English language this attitude to not waste and recycle garbage materials for more than one good reason.
I hope we have done a good job in undertaking this engagement to diffuse this video that implies many efforts and by any means.
So, whoever will read my post, he/she is more than welcome to freely diffuse, share and pass over this video by any means.
Hugs to you all!
Your brother and friend Stefano Wolf

Note: this video has been turned in extreme HD (high definition), so you might turn your video player into HD for a better, almost 3D vision ;-)

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