All about Fabriano Maker City Creativity Expo and the Luxury Vintage show

Luxury Vintage Workshop® show at the Creativity Expo “Fabriano Maker City” (AN - Marche Region, Italy)

In the historical town of Fabriano, from next Thursday the 4th to the 7th of September, the entire city centre will be switched into a wondrous live Expo Show dedicated to creativity. Every district and its main monuments 
will host  5 different thematic exhibiting areas which will be recognizable by special signposts and posters. Each theme will bear a different symbol and colour: “Arts & Crafts” (red colour) located at the Loggiato of St. Francis church, Oratorio d. Carità hosting a special lounge laboratory with live practical demonstrations and tutorials and at the Piazza del Comune (Municipality main square); “Smart Ability” (orange colour) at the Monumental Complex San Domenico with several collateral events and workshops dedicated to the paper handcrafts; “Art & Events” (yellow colour) at the Theatre Gentile, Atrio Chiavelli and Loggiato Palazzo Vescovile; “Street Food” (light green) located at Piazza del Podestà and Piazza Amedeo di Savoia with cooking shows and classes; “Gourmet food & wine” with the  local regional cuisine specialties (dark green colour) at the Chiostro di San Venanzio with cake design, cooking shows and gourmet laboratories with the special guest participation by the worldwide famous top chef Gualtiero Marchesi...

All the events and exhibitions have been conceived in order to emphasize the makers ability and traditions as well as the manufacturing excellences of this city and its surrounding territory.

Fabriano Creativity Expo main events (see further below for the whole activities programme)
During the whole 4-days lasting Creativity Expo, as highlight of the so called exhibition area “Arts & Events”, the Italian cultural Association of the Vintage Fashion Researchers will hold a special exhibition of one-of-a-kind period purses and shoes at the Foyer of the Gentile Theatre in Fabriano, Around 50 rare highly collectable and unique exemplars dated back to the 40’s to the early ‘80’s will be displayed on an amazing labyrinth of Plexiglas showcases in the Foyer of the antique Teatro Gentile, on Via Gentile da Fabriano, 60044 Fabriano (Ancona) from the 4th to the 7th of September (opening times: Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 5pm through to 11pm; Sunday 10am to 11pm).

Interesting to know: The purses and shoes on show will be an absolute première as they will be exhibited for the first time and many of them, the rarest or most unique pieces, are not even illustrated on the main books about collectable purses.

All the exemplars have been especially selected and extracted from the private collection "Sculptures to Wear" by A.Eupani and from the Vintage Workshop® Accessories Archives of Vicenza, Italy, available for rentals and consultation for the fashion designers and product managers of the international Ready-to-Wear and High Fashion companies.

The luxury concept will be explained under different aspects: the aesthetics pondering, the style beauty, the handcrafted components, the heritage of past ages, the design & creativity assets, the top quality stands of both manufacture and materials, the considerable wealth of detail.

Some of the leading early fashion accessories brands as seen at their apex: Emilio Pucci, Roberta di Camerino, Gucci, Ferragamo, Cesare Piccini and others for Italy, Hermès, Chanel and Céline for France, Rialto, Wilardy, Llewellyn, Patricia of Miami, Maxim’s, Myles, Rosenfeld and others for the Unites States as first examples of high creativity in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s at the time of the early creations of futuristic purses in Bakelite and Lucite).

Luxury Vintage photo gallery preview:
antique purse (Vintage Workshop®Archives)
America purse '50's (Vintage Workshop®Archives)
bakelite purse '40's Collection Sculptures to Wear

bakelite purse late '40's Collection Sculptures to Wear

Lucite purse with underglass embroidery

Roberta di Camerino (Vintage Workshop Archives)

Reptyle purse (Vintage Workshop Archives)

Roberta di Camerino (Vintage Workshop Archives)

The Vintage exhibition will be accented and complemented with the original contemporary crafts garments by the dressmakers’ clothing companies Memory’s Ltd. and Sartoria Luca Paolorossi.

The interior design installation and the special lighting system, with cold led lights due to the peculiar microclimate necessary to especially preserve some of the handbags made in pre-plastic materials, has been projected by the Eng. Ed. Archt. Francesco Sforza.

Special thanks to: the Danish artist Jacob Sibbern for the drawing art lettering of the Luxury Vintage logo of the exhibition.
 poster Luxury Vintage by VintageWorkshop®

The conceiver of the Vintage exhibition organizing Association (Vintage Workshop®, Angela Eupani, will be guest and spokeswoman at the press conference and forum of the creativity with title “Creativity and beauty as a medium for the development of the excellencies of the territory and tourism” co-ordinated and patronized by the University of Camerino, with live broadcasting by the channels “Radio Gold” and “Radio Blu”.

The above mentioned conference, edited by Antonella Marcaccini with Giliola Marinelli as anchorwoman, will take place at the Agorà (gazebo pavilion) of the main city square (Piazza del Comune, Fabriano) on Friday September 5th at 9pm with the participation of the following parterre guests:

Angela Eupani national general secretary Ass. Culturale Ricercatori Moda d’Epoca (Cultural Association of the Vintage Fashion Researchers)

Alessandro Marchesi – owner of the clothing company Memory’s ltd.

Khadija Moussamih – group sales manager Giorgio Armani

Marco Luppa – CEO, chief executive Concerie del Chienti (tannery)

Luca Paolorossi – owner dressmakers’ Sartoria Luca Paolorossi

Nermin Tan – Londoner designer (menswear collections of the Royal House)

(by rainy weather the conference will be moved to the Multimedia Library “Nuova Biblioteca Multimediale Romualdo Sassi”)

“Fabriano Maker City” Creativity Expo is organized by Expo Marche

(for the whole activity and events program refer to the attached program)

In co-operation with: Municipality Fabriano, Associazione Volontari Protezione Civile Alto Esino

With the patronage by:

Unesco, Regione Marche, Provincia di Ancona, Comune di Fabriano, Camera di Commercio, Cna, Confartigiato, Frasassi – Le Grotte, Università di Camerino, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Fondazione CR, Guzzini Illuminazione.

Location: Foyer Theatre Gentile, Via G. da Fabriano, IT 60044 Fabriano (Ancona) from the 4th to the 7th of September (opening times: Thursday, Friday: 5pm through to 11pm; on Saturday 5pm to 12pm; Sunday 10am to 11pm).

 Press release by Comunicazione e Marketing Perla, Vicenza 08.30.2014

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