Italian Vintage Shows: Belgioioso Next Vintage Spring 2013 ( English Text! )

Guest post by Angela Eupani
In few days the “NEXT VINTAGE SHOW” at the Castle Belgioioso close to the town Pavia (southern from Milano) will take place.
The show is a cornerstone of top quality Vintage in the whole Europe and will give the opportunity to bring back to life the atmospheres of a past that can be close to our memories when we were young or can be far away from us and relive only by watching and possibly buying some period exemplars that have a strong evocative power.

It will be an unmissable chance for a full immersion, accordingly to our own tastes, in the preferred decades of fashion, find small or big treasures, be surprised by garments never seen before, to revamp completely our seasonal wardrobe or to invest in a single piece, an important dress or a luxury accessory which can outline our individuality, a very rare or unique piece as only Vintage can be.

More than fifty Italian Vintage dealers, among the most qualified and experienced ones, everyone with their own passions and specializations, will exhibit their Vintage choice with much joy to share with fan visitors their own fondness.

There will be merchandise for each taste, from Womenswear to Menswear, from period accessories of any kind, purses, suitcases, hats, bathing suits, fine lingerie, gloves, scarves, ties, suspenders, elegant sandals as well as casual shoes but also small modernism objects and plenty collectable jewellery  nowadays almost impossible to find.

A great chance to personalize one’s own contemporary look, making it more original, individualistic and modern.

This legendary Renaissance Castle hosts wide halls as well as small booths where to keep one's eyes peeled, seek and find the newbie exhibitors,
where to hunt for the specialists of the Seventies or of the Fifties, some great collectors and retailers of clothing as well as the best experts of accessories.
The collateral exhibition will be dedicated to 50 sketches signed by Giorgio Armani between 1969 and 1985, designed by pencil, felt-tip pen and Indian ink. Almost every drawing is complemented by the fabric or leather sample especially chosen for that model.

The Next Vintage expo Belgioioso will take place from April the 20th through to 25th with non-stop opening times 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Early bird discounted ticket can be purchased online via the official Next Vintage web site: where you can also find the public transportation connections (bus and train) from Pavia and from Milano.

A personal clue I would like to share with every visitor: reserve to this visit plenty time, take your time to do a first orientation tour and buy immediately only what you feel you might not find later on, verify the condition of each object you are interested in and ask questions, take notes, ask for business cards and write down some notes on the show leaflet regarding the location of the booths where you find the most interesting goods. When you complete the first tour, you will be able to come back to your preferred stands and negotiate.
As you probably know, Vintage is never on sale as it does not follow fashion trends and seasons but, of course, on the days 22, 23 and 24 of April, the show will be definitely less crowded and dealers will be more available to make allowances ;-)

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