INCOGNITO- Above The Night - Official video from Surreal new album

Boy, I am back after a 15 day journey, today it is snowing up here, can't descend the hills down the valley...argh
So, last tonight I had a conversation with my friend Bluey of Incognito,

I like how Bluey is always right to the point, very up-to-date and never far from his times, he is contemporary, such gifted man + musician and notwithstanding he is an artist, he steadily suceeds in "staying with people" without excaping the crowd.

In 2009, I missed Incognito in Vicenza as I was far from home for a journey but luckily recovered the band few months later in Lecce, Puglia region where I attended an unforgettable live concert at the Roman Anphitheatre.

Here some pix of the summer event 07/24/2009 I shooted...remember nobody from the audience could sit, it has been a sort of two-hours plenary standing ovation and none could refrain from dancing and singin' along, me included ;-)
As always, Incognito have been very generous and spent themselves in several encores + further music requests.
Rather at the end of the concert, some istants of silence...and, accordingly to the ritual screenplay, M.o Bluey catches the mic and begins to hymn his classic "peace and love preach" what we would call the "pistolotto del vogliamoci tutti bene" that we all know but we always expect from him!
Really a great show!!
Bluey told me last night that he loves pretty much Italy, especially Salento.
Rumors claim he is often spending a week holiday at the Salento seaside, on both coasts (Otranto at the Adria Sea and Porto Cesareo at the Ionian sea) as an "ordinary" vacationer and I bet that's true as I'm very familiar with those premises and I bear the idea those resorts are some of the best in the Italian peninsula, people and especially women included ;-)

I thank my friend Jean-Paul Maunick for giving me consent and priviledge to publish his videos and let me contribute to diffuse by all means his music as well as for having extended to all who will reach him out from my little observatory his personal wish:
"Hope that music continues to feed your soul"
NO wonder, my soul is singing and dancing riGht now...above the night indeed...

Above the night official video by Incognito from new album "Surreal"

Roman theatre of Lecce, ph. Stefano Wolf
Lecce, Roman Anphitheatre, Piazza S. Oronzo,  Incognito show

Incognito orchestra

Bluey singing

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